Bread Diet

The grain diet may be a bit shocked by their title, because as diet and bread, things seemed to be incompatible. But the bread loaf strife, and some of its variations can not only be useful but it is a dietary product. It wholemeal bread is the basis of the grain diet.

The basic principles of the diet on bread

- Eat to fractional (this diet is perfectly suitable for anyone accustomed to frequent refreshments) and every three - four hours.

- Do not skip meals.

- Observe the recommended drinking regime. For women, the total amount of water should be about eight - ten glasses a day, and for men - at least ten - twelve. These do not include black tea and coffee, juices and other beverages. It is better to drink between meals.

- Because the diet is not marked by an abundance, we recommend additional use of special complexes of vitamins and minerals (especially calcium).

- The Diet consists of two stages. The first phase lasts two weeks and the second as long as it would take time to secure the effect of the diet.

According to the adherents of the various grain diet for one week you can lose up to 2.5 pounds of excess weight.

Contraindications diet: the period of breast-feeding, pregnancy, children, diseases of the digestive system and other organs.

During the diet completely excludes any sweet foods, including those of natural origin (eg honey): ice cream, candy (chocolate, caramel), marmalade, biscuits, cakes, pies, cakes, and anything that contains refined sugar.

Also completely eliminated pastries (puff products, yeast, sand and other tests), the dishes are high in animal fats. Not recommended to use canned, salted, smoked foods and various marinades.

Non-starchy vegetables and fruits (not too sweet) are permitted in any number of all kinds of cabbage, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, green peas, beans (all beans - the second phase of the diet), apples, pears, watermelon, plums , apricots, strawberries and more.

During the diet, a day is recommended one serving of fruit (about the size of a fist), 3 plums, one medium apple, a handful of fresh strawberries or currants, etc.

The amount of dietary bread (wholemeal) for women must be between eight - twelve pieces a day and from twelve to sixteen - for men (during the diet every two slices of bread diet may be exchanged for a piece of the ordinary, but not white and freshly baked) .

To make it more tasty bread is, preparing for various mixtures of oil: low-fat cottage cheese, avocado, thin slice low-fat cheese, ham, fish, etc.

Three times a week is allowed to eat hard-boiled eggs and other protein foods: low-fat fish, chicken breast, beef, etc. In this case, if the meat or fish is cooked with vegetables, is recommended to reduce their consumption of dietary bread into three or four slices.

Sample menu for one day of the first phase of the diet

Breakfast: 3 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread with oil of low-fat cottage cheese, sprinkles of fresh parsley and dill, green tea (200 ml).
Lunch: 2 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread with thinly sliced ​​cheese low-fat salad of cabbage and carrots (100 grams), water (200 ml).
Dinner: lean fish baked with vegetables (200 grams) fresh-brewed green tea (200 ml), 2 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread.
Second lunch: salad of fruit (apple, pear, peach - 150 grams), mineral water (200 ml).
Dinner: 3 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread with a thin strip of avocado, cucumber salad and tomato with one dessert spoon of olive oil (150 grams).
Second Supper: drinking low-fat yogurt with fruit pieces (200 ml).

During the second phase of the diet, you can make minor concessions and replace every two slices of bread diet on any one type of product:

- A glass of beans (boiled in), two-thirds cup of different cereals (oats, buckwheat, brown rice, millet, etc.) in a glass of boiled pasta products.

Can increase the amount of consumed fruits (up to three portions per day), allowed to add one potato, corn cob one.

Instead of two slices of bread diet you can eat 2 diet cracker. The number of permitted vegetable diet is not changing - in unlimited amounts.

Sample menu for one day of the second phase of the diet

Breakfast: cereal with low-fat milk (soup bowl medium size), freshly brewed green tea (200 ml).
Lunch: 2 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread with a thin layer of low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad (100 grams), water (200 ml).
Lunch: vegetable stew with beef (200 grams) fresh-brewed green tea (200 ml), 2 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread, one pear.
Second lunch: fresh pineapple and peach (2 servings), mineral water (200 ml).
Dinner: 3 slices (30 grams) of dietary bread with a thin strip of lean fish, vegetable salad with a dessert spoon of olive oil (150 grams).
Second Supper: drinking low-fat yogurt with fruit pieces (200 ml).

Pros diet: daily daily diet rich in dietary (soluble and insoluble) fiber, natural vitamins and minerals.

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