Vitamins that may harm your health

Are vitamins can be harmful? - You may ask. It turns out, yes. Find out whether you should start worrying about it. This is especially true for those who love supplements and vitamin complexes.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is crucial to the immune system and cellular connections. However, this vitamin is best to get to the food. It is found in foods such as wheat germ, sunflower seeds, in broccoli, nuts. Like many other vitamins, vitamin E loses its basic property with excess reception.

Vitamin A
It is important for reproduction and health of bones and the immune system. But vitamin A deficiency is very rare in healthy people. Because vitamin A can build up in the body. However, a large supply of vitamin A is harmful to toxic levels, it can cause problems with the liver, central nervous system impairment, and pregnant women - to congenital malformations of the fetus.

Beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A) is useful only when it comes into contact with food (it is contained in carrots). In this case, it even helps prevent cancer. But as tablets betacarotene operates conversely, and say this study.

Vitamin C
This vitamin orange (as it is called because of the high content of oranges and tangerines) is also supporting our immune system. But its natural form supports the immune system and fights colds. There is no evidence that vitamin C, resulting in tablets Center capable completely rid of colds.

But vitamin C - the most harmless in terms of overdose, it is a fact. In contrast, vitamin A, it is dissolved in water and this means that an excess of a body is displayed together with the urine. But complacency is not necessary. Because researchers suggest that an excess of vitamin C may cause side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and even kidney stones. Any amount of vitamin C, most 500 milligrams a day, can cause health problems (500 milligrams found in half of the 1-gram sachets of Emergen-C).

The main recommendations
So, how do you take vitamins to prevent damage to health?

- Observe the permissible levels of consumption of vitamins.

- Do not rely on supplements and pills. The bulk of vitamins must come from food. Vitamin supplements - only addition to the diet.

- Risk of overdose large enough to remember this. But do not panic if you just went over. Recommended doses often less than the maximum allowable.

- Taking vitamins or vitamin drugs (eg, common cold), watch carefully for side effects. Headache, diarrhea, upset stomach should not be overlooked. Tell your doctor about these conditions.

- If the vitamins come in your body only with food, you will not overdose never threatened. Therefore it is better to select a delivery method for producing vitamins.

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