Help with sunstroke

At risk, according to experts, include young children, adolescents, the elderly, too thin or too full, natural and dyed blonde, women after forty, as well as people with a bald head. These people are often in the sun circulatory problems.

- The first symptoms of heat stroke are weakness, tinnitus, dark circles before the eyes, dizziness, headache.

- Then quickens the pulse and breathing, the pressure drops, there are severe muscle pain throughout the body.

- Blush face, fever, cramps can begin, the person loses consciousness.


- If someone close to fainting, you need to unbutton his clothes to have the opportunity to free breathing.
- Under the head of a downed man needs something to enclose at least clothes, towel or blanket folded roller.
- On the forehead, in the region of the heart should put a towel or a cloth moistened with cool, but not cold water. Ice can not apply, since the abrupt change in temperature may cause spasm of the blood vessels and heart failure.

If a person can not be sunstroke pour cold water or a hose or a bucket, you can not swim in the pool, the bathtub, the river and the sea.

- If the person is conscious, give him to drink mineral water without gas, the usual boiled water with lemon juice or lime juice, cranberry juice, fresh mint tea.
- Experts also recommend giving a solution of table salt - 1chaynaya spoon in a glass of boiled then cooled water.
- Do not give sweet drinks, tea, coffee, cola, alcohol.
- Do not try to pour the liquid into his mouth a man, if he is unconscious, the liquid may enter the windpipe and suffocate people.
- If nausea peppermint tea helps, vomiting to avoid dehydration, give rehydron pharmaceutical drug to be diluted in water.

And everyone who goes for a walk or to the beach on a hot day, you must first think about how to protect themselves from sunstroke.

- In the country should be run only in the morning and in the evening, wearing a hat on his head.

- Leaving the house in the heat, do not wear tight-fitting clothing and clothing made of synthetics. The body has to breathe, for that is clothing made from natural fabrics.

- House of closeness makes the air conditioner if it is not, use the grandmother's ways:
• In summer, in the heat of the window should curtain blackout curtains in doorways to hang water-soaked sheets, dressing better, they last longer retain moisture.
• It is advisable to place in the apartment as much water containers. If you can fill the ice, for example, in a basin, and put near the place of work or rest, a distance of about 1 meter.

- In hot weather it is recommended to give up meat, fat, smoked, fried, sweet. And there are more plant foods - herbs, vegetables, fruit. Useful as well milk products and home brew.

- Shower in the heat better helps warm bath with the addition of herbs, the same mint, help maintain the tone.

- Fall asleep to help evening bath with a small amount of broth valerian root.

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