Diet for Beautiful Skin

- We are what we eat, which, in general, is not a secret. Therefore, from the supply depends on the condition of our skin, her beauty and health. And it is balanced with all the substances necessary for healthy skin, diet, becoming a major component of its beauty. And that's healthy, eating right without much effort can support her throughout life, as opposed to cosmetic procedures.

Rejecting the carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, spices, sweet can avoid irritation and vascular veins on the face, especially in the summer. Rejecting the fatty and fried foods, you can help your skin - it will become more flexible and gain tone. Make the skin more matte and prevent the appearance of small pimples help foods containing B vitamins - beets, cod liver, leafy vegetables, as well as containing zinc - seafood, veal, poultry, dairy products low in fat.

What should be included in the daily menu for healthy skin? Proteins, saturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which help to maintain the tone of the tissues to protect against dehydration and accelerate cell regeneration.

Approximate diet per day, subject to the necessary products:

Breakfast: tea with milk, eggs, bread with whole grains, boiled meat
Lunch: veggie soup, chicken meat with boiled or steamed vegetables, fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice.
Dinner: long grain or wild rice, boiled chicken, tomato juice.

Breakfast: orange juice, cheese, bread with whole grains, tomatoes.
Lunch: soup is a bird with eggs, beef liver with boiled buckwheat porridge, tangerines or oranges.
Dinner: Boiled or baked fish, fresh vegetable salad, pomegranate juice.

Breakfast: green tea with lemon, fried or scrambled eggs with tomatoes and greens, apple.
Lunch: veggie soup, fish or seafood, rice, tomato
Dinner: fruit salad, boiled meat or ham, cheese curd.

Breakfast: coffee with milk or cream, cereal, cheese, bread.
Lunch: pumpkin soup, boiled beef, vegetables, tea, "Hibiscus".
Dinner: fish stew with vegetables, low-fat varieties, grapefruit juice.
Breakfast: orange juice, milk porridge, boiled meat or ham, bread with whole grains.
Lunch: vegetable soup with low-fat sour cream, mashed potatoes with meatballs poultry, tangerines.
Dinner: vegetable stew, boiled or baked meat, green tea with lemon.

Saturday and Sunday
The menu is a choice of the above products

Virtually no restrictions can be consumed throughout the day green tea, non-carbonated mineral water, yogurt.
With reduced - sweet honey, dried fruit.
Alcohol: no more than half a glass of dry wine a day.
Occasionally black coffee, a few pieces of dark chocolate.

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