
Date palm belongs to the mono-diet diet, and for those who have a sweet tooth and can not give it up.
Dates - not only delicious dried fruit, but also very useful by providing a list of the most valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber, a part of them. In Arab countries, dates, was referred to as the "bread of the desert."

For example, dates contain vitamins of group B, namely, vitamin B1, B5 and B2 are also a lot of Vitamin A, E and C. Minerals prevail among potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, calcium, iron, calcium and sodium.

Thanks to this composition, dates have a beneficial effect on the skin, eyes, hair condition and liver. They are useful for dental health, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems by containing carbohydrates (about 66.5 grams), which advantageously produces a mixture of fructose and glucose.)

Date-diet lasts for ten days. Longer its use is not recommended, due to the complete lack of proteins and fatty acids (these dried fruits contain up to 3% protein and 1% fat).

Dates - this is a relatively high-calorie product (100 grams of fresh dates contain 150 to 270 calories, and 100 grams in the use of dried figs can get up to 380 kcal), so the saturation of them fast enough. That is, you can gorge on even a small portion of this sweet dried fruit (eight - ten pieces). Lessons carbohydrates give you energy, help maintain vitality, good humor, and is not processed in the body fat.

The loss of weight during the ten-day diet of date can be from six to eight pounds.

Contraindications to date-diet: diabetes (of varying severity), elevated blood sugar, breast-feeding, adolescence or childhood, old age, pregnancy, diseases of the digestive system, etc. Also, from a similar diet should refuse the presence of metabolic disorders, severe physical or mental stress.

Given the fact that the date-diet refers to mono-diet, and a set of allowed-to-eat food in it is quite limited, it is necessary to add to the daily diet of multivitamin preparations to compensate for the daily need for essential nutrients.

Lack of vitamins and minerals for a long time may have a negative impact on the health and monotonous food - cause bad mood, depression, and irritability.

Before applying the date-diets should consult a physician, nutritionist, dietitian or other healthcare professional.

Sample menu of date ten-day diet

The first, second, third, fourth and fifth day are allowed in unlimited quantities only dates. As for drinks, you can use mineral (or medical table) is not sparkling water and green tea with no sugar added.

The fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth day unlimited number of dates plus apples (sometimes for a change instead of an apple is allowed to eat an orange). Welcome only green apples, because they contain fewer calories than similar red varieties.

Because of the monotonous daily diet, a date palm diet may not be used for more than ten days. In addition, this diet can resume no earlier than two or three months after the first application of the diet.

To this diet is desirable to prepare in advance. Should gradually take away from the diet of high-calorie foods, sweets and baked goods, so that the body could not be reconstructed. You must also carefully "go out" from the diet. In her conclusion to gradually introduce some new products are constantly increasing caloric intake.

It is desirable that the end date-diet in your menu as a favorite sweets were these dried fruits, which can be successfully replaced candy and other tasty, but not always useful goodies.

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