Pumpkin - extremely tasty and extremely useful vegetable. It has long been used for the preparation of various dietary and nutritional meals. Pumpkin is cooked all kinds of cereals, pies, cooked mashed potatoes, juices, soups and salads.
Pumpkin is suitable for use both in raw and cooked to form. Crude pumpkin most useful since it contains an extensive list of valuable vitamins (B, C, A, E, PP, K, T, etc), minerals (calcium, potassium, fluorine, iron, magnesium, copper and t . etc.), bioflavonoids, etc.
During the processing part of the beneficial compounds is destroyed, so it is valued svezheotzhatye pumpkin juice. They are excellent help for insomnia, nervous stress, acidity of the stomach.
Pectins that make up the pumpkin, have a binding effect on the various toxic substances (cholesterol and toxins), which makes the perfect pumpkin cleaning agent.
Pumpkin pulp is rich in fiber, which helps to regulate the chair and stimulates motility of the intestine, which is the basis of excellent digestion and prevent constipation.
Although a rich composition, pumpkin relates to low calorie products, allowing its use in various diets. For example, 100 grams of this vegetable is not more than 26 kcal. The share of protein is about 1.2 grams, about 7.5 grams of carbs and only 0.1 grams of fat. Almost all the mass of the pumpkin - it is water with dissolved minerals and vitamins (90%).
Pumpkin is excellent for prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, inflammation in the genitourinary system, the general state of the organism. Recipes popular drug shows efficacy in pumpkin toxicosis of pregnant women (as an antiemetic) and to improve the tone of the male reproductive system.
Pumpkin is made on the basis of a lot of days of discharge and weight loss methods, the most common is the pumpkin diet.
During the pumpkin diet, you can lose up to seven - eight kilograms (depending on the severity of the daily menu and regular exercise).
Contraindications pumpkin diet: diseases of the colon or small intestine, stomach (in the acute phase), lactation period and during pregnancy, the elderly and the children's age, a weakened state of health (after suffering colds, flu and other infections).
Pumpkin diet lasts two weeks. During this time, we recommend the use of sufficient quantities of liquid, not sweet green tea, mineral or plain drinking water.
Two weeks of dietary divided into blocks. Each block consists of four days. Starts pumpkin diet from day after the end of the fourth day is suitable, the control unit starts again, i.e. back to the first day. This is repeated for two weeks. Longer follow a diet is not recommended (about possible contraindications should consult with a nutritionist or doctor).
Approximate menu pumpkin diet for four days
The first day
Breakfast: porridge pumpkin with no added sugar (pre-peeled pumpkin cut into small cubes, boil in water for about half an hour, add the pumpkin to three tablespoons of your favorite cereal (not recommended semolina) and leave on the heat for another 30 minutes), the portion of porridge - 250 grams, pumpkin salad and pear (150 grams).
Lunch: soup of fresh pumpkin (200 grams of potatoes and pumpkin cut into bars, add a pre-prepared white breadcrumbs, salt and cook in a little water. Then rub through a colander and cook in a liter of milk until tender, the portion of soup - 300 ml.
Dinner: a casserole of dried apricots and pumpkin (150 grams fresh pumpkin cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil, add 150 grams of chopped dried apricots, all put in a deep form, add 50 ml of milk and about 5 grams of flour, sprinkle with crushed rye crackers, bake until ready), serving - 250 grams.
The second day
Breakfast: pancakes with pumpkin (pre-diced pumpkin boil and rub through a very fine sieve, dilute with warm milk, add the egg, flour and a little salt and fry without oil in a special pan) portion - 200 grams.
Lunch: stuffed pumpkin in Romanian (the size of a small pumpkin cut into two pieces, remove seeds and fill with sliced bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, finely chopped onion and garlic, sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese and bread crumbs, bake until cooked) portion - 300 grams.
Dinner: pumpkin, pineapple and apples baked with dried plums (250 grams).
The third day
Breakfast: 150 grams of apples and pumpkins, cut into small strips, sprinkle with lime juice, add a teaspoon of chopped nuts, serving - 250 grams.
Lunch: soup with chicken broth and pumpkin (boiled chicken breast, finely chopped, add straw pumpkin, carrots and a potato, salt and herbs), a portion of soup - 300 ml.
Dinner: baked in a pot pumpkin (peeled pumpkin cut into small pieces, sprinkle a small amount of vanilla and leave for fifteen minutes, then placed the prepared pumpkin in a pot, pour in the cream and put one hour in the oven, use the cooled water) portion - 250 grams.
The fourth day
Breakfast: porridge pumpkin (pumpkin clean from thick skins and pulp and cook on low (very low) heat for 30 minutes, add two tablespoons of washed millet grains and leave on the stove for another half hour), serving - 250 grams.
Lunch: nasdzhin - Ossetian pumpkin pie (200 grams pumpkin grate on a medium grater, add 60 grams of grated cheese, salt to taste, mix well and use as a filling for non-yeast cake), serving - 250 grams.
Dinner: apple and pumpkin salad (chopped straw pumpkin and apple, add cinnamon and lemon juice), serving - 250 grams.
Pumpkin is suitable for use both in raw and cooked to form. Crude pumpkin most useful since it contains an extensive list of valuable vitamins (B, C, A, E, PP, K, T, etc), minerals (calcium, potassium, fluorine, iron, magnesium, copper and t . etc.), bioflavonoids, etc.
During the processing part of the beneficial compounds is destroyed, so it is valued svezheotzhatye pumpkin juice. They are excellent help for insomnia, nervous stress, acidity of the stomach.
Pectins that make up the pumpkin, have a binding effect on the various toxic substances (cholesterol and toxins), which makes the perfect pumpkin cleaning agent.
Pumpkin pulp is rich in fiber, which helps to regulate the chair and stimulates motility of the intestine, which is the basis of excellent digestion and prevent constipation.
Although a rich composition, pumpkin relates to low calorie products, allowing its use in various diets. For example, 100 grams of this vegetable is not more than 26 kcal. The share of protein is about 1.2 grams, about 7.5 grams of carbs and only 0.1 grams of fat. Almost all the mass of the pumpkin - it is water with dissolved minerals and vitamins (90%).
Pumpkin is excellent for prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, inflammation in the genitourinary system, the general state of the organism. Recipes popular drug shows efficacy in pumpkin toxicosis of pregnant women (as an antiemetic) and to improve the tone of the male reproductive system.
Pumpkin is made on the basis of a lot of days of discharge and weight loss methods, the most common is the pumpkin diet.
During the pumpkin diet, you can lose up to seven - eight kilograms (depending on the severity of the daily menu and regular exercise).
Contraindications pumpkin diet: diseases of the colon or small intestine, stomach (in the acute phase), lactation period and during pregnancy, the elderly and the children's age, a weakened state of health (after suffering colds, flu and other infections).
Pumpkin diet lasts two weeks. During this time, we recommend the use of sufficient quantities of liquid, not sweet green tea, mineral or plain drinking water.
Two weeks of dietary divided into blocks. Each block consists of four days. Starts pumpkin diet from day after the end of the fourth day is suitable, the control unit starts again, i.e. back to the first day. This is repeated for two weeks. Longer follow a diet is not recommended (about possible contraindications should consult with a nutritionist or doctor).
Approximate menu pumpkin diet for four days
The first day
Breakfast: porridge pumpkin with no added sugar (pre-peeled pumpkin cut into small cubes, boil in water for about half an hour, add the pumpkin to three tablespoons of your favorite cereal (not recommended semolina) and leave on the heat for another 30 minutes), the portion of porridge - 250 grams, pumpkin salad and pear (150 grams).
Lunch: soup of fresh pumpkin (200 grams of potatoes and pumpkin cut into bars, add a pre-prepared white breadcrumbs, salt and cook in a little water. Then rub through a colander and cook in a liter of milk until tender, the portion of soup - 300 ml.
Dinner: a casserole of dried apricots and pumpkin (150 grams fresh pumpkin cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil, add 150 grams of chopped dried apricots, all put in a deep form, add 50 ml of milk and about 5 grams of flour, sprinkle with crushed rye crackers, bake until ready), serving - 250 grams.
The second day
Breakfast: pancakes with pumpkin (pre-diced pumpkin boil and rub through a very fine sieve, dilute with warm milk, add the egg, flour and a little salt and fry without oil in a special pan) portion - 200 grams.
Lunch: stuffed pumpkin in Romanian (the size of a small pumpkin cut into two pieces, remove seeds and fill with sliced bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, finely chopped onion and garlic, sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese and bread crumbs, bake until cooked) portion - 300 grams.
Dinner: pumpkin, pineapple and apples baked with dried plums (250 grams).
The third day
Breakfast: 150 grams of apples and pumpkins, cut into small strips, sprinkle with lime juice, add a teaspoon of chopped nuts, serving - 250 grams.
Lunch: soup with chicken broth and pumpkin (boiled chicken breast, finely chopped, add straw pumpkin, carrots and a potato, salt and herbs), a portion of soup - 300 ml.
Dinner: baked in a pot pumpkin (peeled pumpkin cut into small pieces, sprinkle a small amount of vanilla and leave for fifteen minutes, then placed the prepared pumpkin in a pot, pour in the cream and put one hour in the oven, use the cooled water) portion - 250 grams.
The fourth day
Breakfast: porridge pumpkin (pumpkin clean from thick skins and pulp and cook on low (very low) heat for 30 minutes, add two tablespoons of washed millet grains and leave on the stove for another half hour), serving - 250 grams.
Lunch: nasdzhin - Ossetian pumpkin pie (200 grams pumpkin grate on a medium grater, add 60 grams of grated cheese, salt to taste, mix well and use as a filling for non-yeast cake), serving - 250 grams.
Dinner: apple and pumpkin salad (chopped straw pumpkin and apple, add cinnamon and lemon juice), serving - 250 grams.
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