Contraception: choose your method!

It's no secret that nowadays women do not want to give birth every year. However, this desire women have never experienced. However, now the beautiful half of humanity have the opportunity to maintain their health without giving up the pleasures of private life, while not injuring yourself abortions. September 26th planet celebrates World Contraception Day - World Contraception Day.

The holiday is a young, it marked the first time in 2007. The purpose of this celebration is to educate the public about the need to use contraception. It is especially important to convey to young people who start having sex, it is not planning to become parents.

Contraceptives preserve women's reproductive health and mental too.

The motto of the festival: "Contraception: It's your life, it's your responsibility" - «Contraception: it's your life, it's your responsibility."

The initiators of the World Contraception Day - the international institutions associated with the problems of family planning believe that every pregnancy should be cherished.

According to the organizers, the day of contraception should attract the attention of the authorities and the public to the fact that from a young age to pursue sex education and talking to girls and boys about contraception.

History of contraception is likely to start from the beginning of human civilization. Almost all women at all times sought to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.

Perhaps one of the earliest mentions of preventing pregnancy is in the Bible. This is coitus interruptus, which is mentioned in Chapter 38 of Genesis, in the story of Judah and Tamar. The method must say doubtful, but some couples are practicing it, and in our time.

Coitus interruptus is described in the documents of ancient Africa. Although there have also been known substances of plant origin, which were introduced in the form of a cocoon into the vagina.

And American Indians washed vagina decoction of the bark of mahogany and lemon.

It was believed also that if chew parsley, monthly will come in 4 days.

In Sumatra and neighboring islands in the vagina before intercourse invested opium.

In ancient Egypt around 1850 BC representatives of the upper classes used the contraceptive sponge, and soaked in a decoction of acacia honey and even crocodile dung, which prevented the penetration of sperm into the uterus, and even caused the death of sperm.

In the I century BC Diaskorides recommended the application for the prevention of pregnancy decoction of the mandrake.

Aristotle has left evidence that in ancient Greece used a variety of oils and incense to obstruct the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Ancient Greeks rubbed penis juniper berries and Greek women drank the infusion of copper sulfate.

By the way, the calendar method - abstinence during the period of ovulation in a woman came up the same way the ancient Greeks.

Rabbi Johanan in ancient Palestine for the same purpose, advised: "Take wood glue Egyptian tongue, alum and garden saffron ...".

In China, for example, used to prevent pregnancy mercury placed in the uterine cavity.

In Japan used oiled bamboo leaf.

Arab doctors XIV century advised men to rub the penis rock salt, tar, onion juice and fir oil.

Arab women use tampons soaked in pomegranate juice.

In Europe remained the written advice on contraceptive methods relating to XII.-XVIII centuries.

All known heartthrob Casanova believed that reliably prevents pregnancy lemon rind, placed in front of the uterus. By the way, a slice of lemon and some women are using nowadays.

The first kind of condom was invented by the ancient Egyptians, the ancient condom was made of guts pets.

And in 1504, the Italian anatomist Fallopio manufactured condoms made ​​of linen.

Rubber condoms appeared only in 1880.

In 30th years of the last century, with the discovery of a latex condom manufacturing technology has been significantly improved.

At the beginning of the last century were also invented the loop is introduced into the uterus to prevent pregnancy.

In 1933, a book was published Hoke, which have been described 180 different spermicidal agents.

In 1934, there was a ring Ota.

The first intrauterine device was manufactured in Germany from the filament of the silkworm and silver rings.

But the wide distribution of intrauterine devices of various shapes, got to the end of the 50th - beginning of 60th years of the last century.

In 50 years, scientists have developed synthetic analogues of sex hormones, which blocked ovulation. And in 1960 the world's first oral hormonal contraceptive has been approved by the U.S. Department of Sanitary Supervision by the Food and Drug Administration.

Nowadays there are a range of contraceptive methods to enjoy intimacy with someone you love, without the fear of unwanted pregnancy.

Hormone pills to take each day, the intrauterine device changed once in 5 years, spermicides used before each sexual act.

Oral contraceptives help regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce menstrual discomfort.

There are oral contraceptives improve skin condition. They give a 99.7% protection against pregnancy.

Spermicide into the vagina creates an unfavorable environment for the promotion of sperm pH. Their degree of protection of 85%.

Their composition usually includes substances that are as kill germs. But if you are frequently using them can be disrupted normal bioflora that threatens to dysbiosis.

The most reliable method of contraception is hormonal intrauterine system (Mirena) - 99.9%.

Condoms give a 80% guarantee.

But the condom does not have any contraindications.

Emergency contraception, the so-called "second tablet of the day", containing monthly dose of hormone use only in extreme cases. Otherwise, the internal hormonal system will come into full imbalance.

To pick up his method, taking into account the state of health of each of the women, contraindications, and suggestions will help a gynecologist.

So in love and be happy!

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