all the energy drained", "Just woke up, and already tired," "Always
want to lie down and rest" - if you can sign up for at least one of
these phrases mean, frequent fatigue has not been spared you a party. Fatigue
and constant tiredness can be signals of any failures in the body:
abnormalities in the thyroid gland, or heart, anemia and vitamin
deficiency. But
what to do if any problems with that you have not, but chronic fatigue,
and with it, headaches, fatigue, irritability - constant companions?
Do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy and buy drugs, clogging the body with unnecessary chemicals. Let us remember about traditional medicine and turn to the methods of our grandmothers.
Herbal treatment
Often we underestimate the beneficial properties of herbs. Nevertheless, broths made based on them, penetrate into the body quickly than synthetic drugs. A vitamins and minerals contained in them are much larger than tablets. Among the drugs travv struggle with chronic fatigue recognized champions are peppermint, willow-herb, lemon balm, motherwort and chamomile. Let's see, would benefit from each of these plants?
Attention! Remember that there is such a thing as idiosyncrasy - if you notice that the treatment of any plant your condition does not improve, and worse, if there were strange pain or malaise - immediately discontinue taking any of these herbs!
Peppermint tea improves mood and relieves nervous excitability - the eternal companion of chronic fatigue. Peppermint has been popular since ancient times. Decoction of mint sprayed housing, and fresh plant leaves were rubbed tables - to create an easy and free atmosphere before the arrival of guests (hardly a modern hostess will rub leaves the table, but that's a drop aromalampu few drops of peppermint essential oil will come in handy!). In the Middle Ages, students were advised to wear a wreath of mint - a tool not only reduces fatigue and increases efficiency, but also eliminates the headache.
If nervousness, irritability, headaches - and your "buddies", poprobuytepit mint broth. To make it, take 100 grams of mint leaves, chop them up and pour 2 tbsp. of warm water. Then insist that means 4-6 hours and take on half of Article 2-3 times a day before meals.
Remember that the mint is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure!
Fireweed uzkolisty (willow-herb)
"Do not drink tea - where force will take?" - A saying was common among our prapraprababushek. And - who knows? - Maybe it was just about the willow tea, because it is a plant in Russia since ancient times served as a substitute for tea (hence its popular name appeared).
A decoction of willow-herb invigorates, improves immunity and reduces headaches. To prepare the broth take 2 tablespoons of herbs and brew as normal tea. Take a means 2-3 times a day.
Decoctions of fireweed can not be used for pregnant women, as well as during breast-feeding. Be careful: Propafenone may cause gastro-intestinal disorders!
Melissa officinalis
Infusion of lemon balm will help strengthen the nervous system, with excessive loads and fatigue. For his remarkable and memorable scent plant got another name - lemon mint, and because of the specific use of the people called her heart grass and "comfort the heart": herb relieves irritability and anxiety, it is a real natural antidepressant!
To prepare the broth take 2,5 st. Spoon lemon balm, pour 1 liter. boiling water and leave for 1 h. Take tincture to 1/2 tbsp. 3 times per day.
It is not recommended for lowering blood pressure.
Motherwort herb-healer helps relieve evening fatigue, eliminate nervous tension, anxiety and restlessness. Taking a bath with a decoction of motherwort will return you the strength and courage. Pour 200 g of grass 2 liters of boiling water, boil on low heat for about 20 minutes. and add to the bath. And in order to fix the result will not prevent and prepare infusion for internal use: Pour 15 g of grass 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15 minutes, strain it through a strainer and take 3-4 times a day on a tablespoon before eating.
Be careful: the infusion of motherwort is strictly contraindicated for people with bradycardia (slow heart rhythm) and reduced pressure. But pregnant women to use it not only possible, but necessary - however the reception should be a one-off and not permanent.
Chamomile (pharmacy)
A decoction of chamomile flowers can help relieve stress after a hard day's work and will relax. To prepare to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried chamomile flowers, brew 1 liter of boiling water and infuse 1 hour to drink a chamomile tea can with sugar or cream. Drunk on the night, the broth is not only relieve fatigue and tension, but also make strong and healthy sleep.
Do not take drugs on the basis of chamomile or infusions of plants with gastritis. And they are prohibited for pregnant women.
But even if you do not have contraindications for, remember that long-term use of chamomile broth in large amounts can lead to the opposite effect - the weakness, irritability, outbursts of anger, headaches.
Herbs centuries people were treated to the most severe illnesses. Some of the ancient recipes can adopt and modern girl!
Do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy and buy drugs, clogging the body with unnecessary chemicals. Let us remember about traditional medicine and turn to the methods of our grandmothers.
Herbal treatment
Often we underestimate the beneficial properties of herbs. Nevertheless, broths made based on them, penetrate into the body quickly than synthetic drugs. A vitamins and minerals contained in them are much larger than tablets. Among the drugs travv struggle with chronic fatigue recognized champions are peppermint, willow-herb, lemon balm, motherwort and chamomile. Let's see, would benefit from each of these plants?
Attention! Remember that there is such a thing as idiosyncrasy - if you notice that the treatment of any plant your condition does not improve, and worse, if there were strange pain or malaise - immediately discontinue taking any of these herbs!
Peppermint tea improves mood and relieves nervous excitability - the eternal companion of chronic fatigue. Peppermint has been popular since ancient times. Decoction of mint sprayed housing, and fresh plant leaves were rubbed tables - to create an easy and free atmosphere before the arrival of guests (hardly a modern hostess will rub leaves the table, but that's a drop aromalampu few drops of peppermint essential oil will come in handy!). In the Middle Ages, students were advised to wear a wreath of mint - a tool not only reduces fatigue and increases efficiency, but also eliminates the headache.
If nervousness, irritability, headaches - and your "buddies", poprobuytepit mint broth. To make it, take 100 grams of mint leaves, chop them up and pour 2 tbsp. of warm water. Then insist that means 4-6 hours and take on half of Article 2-3 times a day before meals.
Remember that the mint is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure!
Fireweed uzkolisty (willow-herb)
"Do not drink tea - where force will take?" - A saying was common among our prapraprababushek. And - who knows? - Maybe it was just about the willow tea, because it is a plant in Russia since ancient times served as a substitute for tea (hence its popular name appeared).
A decoction of willow-herb invigorates, improves immunity and reduces headaches. To prepare the broth take 2 tablespoons of herbs and brew as normal tea. Take a means 2-3 times a day.
Decoctions of fireweed can not be used for pregnant women, as well as during breast-feeding. Be careful: Propafenone may cause gastro-intestinal disorders!
Melissa officinalis
Infusion of lemon balm will help strengthen the nervous system, with excessive loads and fatigue. For his remarkable and memorable scent plant got another name - lemon mint, and because of the specific use of the people called her heart grass and "comfort the heart": herb relieves irritability and anxiety, it is a real natural antidepressant!
To prepare the broth take 2,5 st. Spoon lemon balm, pour 1 liter. boiling water and leave for 1 h. Take tincture to 1/2 tbsp. 3 times per day.
It is not recommended for lowering blood pressure.
Motherwort herb-healer helps relieve evening fatigue, eliminate nervous tension, anxiety and restlessness. Taking a bath with a decoction of motherwort will return you the strength and courage. Pour 200 g of grass 2 liters of boiling water, boil on low heat for about 20 minutes. and add to the bath. And in order to fix the result will not prevent and prepare infusion for internal use: Pour 15 g of grass 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15 minutes, strain it through a strainer and take 3-4 times a day on a tablespoon before eating.
Be careful: the infusion of motherwort is strictly contraindicated for people with bradycardia (slow heart rhythm) and reduced pressure. But pregnant women to use it not only possible, but necessary - however the reception should be a one-off and not permanent.
Chamomile (pharmacy)
A decoction of chamomile flowers can help relieve stress after a hard day's work and will relax. To prepare to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried chamomile flowers, brew 1 liter of boiling water and infuse 1 hour to drink a chamomile tea can with sugar or cream. Drunk on the night, the broth is not only relieve fatigue and tension, but also make strong and healthy sleep.
Do not take drugs on the basis of chamomile or infusions of plants with gastritis. And they are prohibited for pregnant women.
But even if you do not have contraindications for, remember that long-term use of chamomile broth in large amounts can lead to the opposite effect - the weakness, irritability, outbursts of anger, headaches.
Herbs centuries people were treated to the most severe illnesses. Some of the ancient recipes can adopt and modern girl!
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