Cabbage + apple + orange

And cabbage and apple are local fruits that are easy to find in our markets. Oranges too hard to find, all together, these three components will help you unload and improve well-being. Vitamins in foods had lain all winter, does not contain. So it is very efficient to start a diet right now, when all these are the fruits of the new harvest.

Apples, oranges and cabbage can be used not only for daytime and evening snacks of fruit salad. With their help, you can greatly reduce calorie breakfast and lunch.


Make yourself a cup of tea (coffee) hot sandwich of its kind: a thin piece of grain or rye bread (or crisp bread) spread with a thin layer of oil on it to put a slice of apple or an orange or a cabbage, it put a thin slice of low-fat cheese (or sprinkle with grated cheese ) - and in the roaster oven or microwave or - until the cheese is melted, but do not fry. Eat warm, but not hot (try not to eat any hot or cold - the temperature of the food should be 18-45 degrees).

Green tea is better. Coffee - no more than two cups a day, including breakfast. Mineral water - no limit, but the liquid in the day should not be more than 2 liters, and have a drink at a time - no more than two cups.


Salad (four options):
1. Cabbage and apple salad with low-fat mayonnaise or vegetable oil.
2. Salad of cabbage, oranges, bananas and apples - without refueling (bananas instead of filling).
3. Melkoporezanny Korean cabbage salad with carrots or beets instead of seasoning the rate of 50 g of Korean carrot / beet + 250 g of cabbage.
4. Sredneporezannaya cabbage with mayonnaise, garlic and soy sauce.

In none of the four options salad salt is added!

The first dish (three options):

1. Meatless borscht - you can add vegetable oil - a teaspoon to a pint.
2. Lenten soup - you can throw dice "Knorr" or "Galina Blanca" or "Maggie" per liter.
3. Vegetable soup with processed cheese - half stogrammovye syrka per liter.

The second dish (four options)

1. Bird boiled skinless - 150 g
2. Fish boiled or stewed - 150 g
3. Cottage cheese pie or cheese cakes (200g)
4. Baked with sour cream and herbs potatoes

Dessert - a compote of apples, oranges, pears without sugar.

Dinner - no later than three hours before bedtime! (4 versions)

1. Cabbage stew meat-free (subject to seasoning).
2. Two eggs scrambled with chipped cabbage.
3. Two large banana or three small ones.
4. Fruit salad with honey and / or raisins, you can fill with yogurt.

Before going to sleep - a glass of buttermilk, yogurt or a large apple or pear or orange.

Sit on a unloading two weeks (with exercise) - and five to seven inches in the waist is gone

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