Banana Diet

Bananas - is, perhaps, one of the few fruits that can be found in supermaketah throughout the year. They are the product of the energy plant, so good for snacking during the day or in between sports. Bananas are very nutritious, so two of the fetus can replace a full meal.

Today there are about 400 varieties of bananas. All edible varieties are divided into two main groups: sweet and plane trees. First we eat raw or dried form, the second - must be heat-treated, and often are used as forage for livestock. And if we've learned that banana - the usual raw fruit, then the residents of many countries - traditional food, "second bread" and the main ingredient in many dishes, such as a side dish. In Cuba, free bananas served with meat, Africa bananas are added to scrambled eggs, soup and porridge. In Uganda, you can try the banana beer, a fortress which reaches 28 degrees, so you have to be prepared for the fact that even a small amount of this beer in the morning can be giddy.

The composition of yellow fruit are carbohydrates (original fructose, glucose and sucrose), cellulose, pectin, vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and other elements. The fat content is minimal and quickly digested carbohydrates, so do not be afraid that bananas negatively affect your figure. In 100 grams of fruit about 95 calories, but it's not fat, so do not be afraid to include bananas in your diet.

Positive features of bananas:

Take off the depression and give a sense of joy and happiness, thanks to the development of the hormone serotonin;
• Improve mental capacities;
• Suitable to combat hangovers and reduce nicotine dependence;
• Attach the power and the desire to work;
• Pectin and fiber aid digestion and absorption of good fats and sugar;
• Normalize metabolism;
• Rich in potassium, which regulates the water-salt metabolism and helps in removing excess fluid from the body;
• Recommended for lack of blood circulation, hypertension, and bacterial dysentery;
• Shown in premenstrual women and all patients in the postoperative period;
• Used in traditional cosmetology in fighting with bags under his eyes, for acne and peeling of the skin, peel bananas helps in getting rid of warts;
• rarely cause allergic reactions.

Diet also drew attention to this wonderful sunny fruit - so there was a banana diet , which is one of the most delicious, probably, after the chocolate, as many would argue. According to one version, the banana diet developed Olympic nutritionist Jane Griffin. Although the 2008 own vision offered Hitoshi Watanabe and his wife Sumiko - pharmacist by occupation. To date, the banana diet is widespread in Japan and has become popular in other countries. But this banana diet is not quite simple. Of course, cooking incredible meals you do not have to, but limit yourself to eating at a minimum it will be very difficult. Duration of such a diet - 3 days. The same number of pounds can be reset during this period.

By the banana diet to prepare for. Always consult with a dietitian or gastroenterologist before it began. In the "zero" day (preparatory) are excluded from the diet of salty, fried and fatty foods, and meats and sweets (including sugar). Prepare yourself mentally to the fact that throughout the three days you have to eat only bananas, so this diet is very tough.

Buy a basic ingredient - bananas. Choosing fruit at the supermarket, pay attention to their appearance: the surface must be juicy yellow, smooth and shiny, black spots and stains say about the corruption of a banana. Do not buy unripe fruit. Diets are not suitable for dried bananas, because they are many times calorie fresh fruits. Do not store bought fruit in the refrigerator, it is best at room temperature.

Handle: clean, removing not only the peel, but also removing white "threads". Peeled bananas should be eaten immediately, as pulp tends to oxidize, black and lose vitamins.

Daily rate of the three-day diet - 3 bananas + 3 cups of low-fat milk or yogurt (1% fat). It is advisable to divide the meals so that was clearly marked out for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A good option would be frayed to the state of banana pulp with the addition of a single rate of yogurt or milk shake (150 ml milk - 1 banana). Water and green tea without sugar should be consumed in any amount.

Intrusive option - banana diet for 7 days. Seven-day banana diet provides 1.5 pounds peeled banana a day and drink (green tea or warm boiled water in any quantity). Week just to survive on nothing but bananas are very difficult, although 7-ka and is considered a light diet. If you are going to be very difficult, diversify the menu thin slice of cooked meat, boiled egg or a tablespoon of oatmeal. But this, at least, because Diet can be broken. Do you want to eat - eat a banana.

Less diet is that after the end you probably will not want to see these foreign fruit. Also it is necessary to understand that if after it you will not control your diet, the weight will come back quickly - this is a problem for you after you exit any of mono. Keep your impulses otest! As smooth as possible during the week go to the usual diet for you. Banana diet is not classified diets, which can be constant, as, for example, a separate food or Mediterranean diet. But at the same time to secure the result when it is possible to repeat at least one time in 1-1.5 months.

Among these options there is another - morning banana diet. It does not limit the human diet and can stick to the usual diet. In addition to breakfast. In the morning to eat 2 bananas. Lunch and dinner may remain familiar to you, but you need to limit yourself to desserts and dairy products. The effectiveness of this diet is that after taking the bananas at breakfast, the body speeds up metabolism and burns calories per day more than if you did not eat bananas in the morning.

Every woman at some stage in their life thinks about her figure. Plastic surgery, exercise, and a huge list of diets - that is what today is popular all over the world. You decide what to choose and what to leave! Well proportioned to your health!

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