All claims against the back ...

Now, in the age of progressive heart disease, many simply feel panic, even once having felt pain in my heart. And then there's dizzy, ringing in the ears, pain gives the forearm, shoulder, brush, head, neck numb.

Where are we going? Naturally to a cardiologist.

And now it turns out simply no unexpected - all of these symptoms can cause a wrong pillow menu, for example, is too high. Or incorrect posture at the computer, after which we actually sit out most of the day.

I myself have once heart ache and dizzy. The doctor to whom I applied, wrote out a bunch of pills, all to no avail. And thanks to a friend who she had once experienced this problem, and which has got more understanding doctor.

My pain subsided after I replaced the pillow on a plane. And then I realized how little we know about ourselves favorite ...

It turns out that high-heeled shoes, pants with low waist, short jacket, if you wear it in the cold - can cause numbness in the legs, cramps and pain in the lower back. Pain in the heart and in the ribs can cause both physical inactivity.

So, from time to time to get up from the computer and do at least a brief warm-up, or just to walk around the office.

Continuous sitting at a computer should not last longer than 40-45 minutes. Feet should a right angle and touch the floor.

Unload the spine can and snuggling up against the wall - you need to get up so that your heels, buttocks, shoulders and back of the head touching her. Only those who have a healthy spine can stand in this position 20 minutes. And the rest have to strive for the ideal, up to the time of standing for 1 minute each day.

Stand and sit only recommended with a straight back.

And though - the movement is known, life, hard physical labor in the same does not go for the good of the body. Despite the fact that our spine is in theory capable of holding a weight of 400 kg, its abuse resistance should not be. It is known that even a pound weight puts pressure on the spine weight of 5.10 kg. If you have to lift something heavy, then it should be done, squatting, the cargo hold, as close as possible to the body. But it is better to avoid heavy weights, the woman's not a loader ...

Can provoke pain and work related to the jolting, vibration, the need to maintain the same posture for a long time, hypothermia.

Still - we all have to carry bags and occasionally severe. Experts say that you can not carry a bag in one hand, hands need to be alternated. And if the bag is hung on the shoulder, then it must outweigh from one shoulder to the other every 15-20 minutes.

And if the pain does not stop, then it may very well be that you need to see a doctor-vertebral, who will talk about the prevention of back problems, and if necessary, prescribe treatment.

A more interesting exercise - "cock-step" - stair climbing over the step. If so walk every day, ignoring the elevator, it is the development of the hip joint.

Useful as well squats - feet strictly together, crouching keep with heels off the floor.

The fingers also need to exercise. During the day several times useful to open and close his hand. You can do push-ups on the wall in the bent fingers. This exercise will strengthen the fingers, wrist and forearm.

Itself, the best prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are recognized walking and swimming.

And Russian bath and broom from ... nettle. But do not bathe more than 10-15 minutes.

Healing is recognized as sex, which, according to doctors, is a lovely and unique shake of the endocrine, immune and other important systems of the body.

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