Cold feet - a problem familiar to many women, it is particularly true for the winter. Why did suffer from cold feet more than others parts of the body, and why women suffer from this scourge more often?
All the matter in the structural features of our body. Muscle mass, which is to conserve the heat in this part of the body is small, subcutaneous adipose tissue almost there, and the area of the skin, gives off heat, is quite high. There is also a physiological explanation for the fact that women are much stronger than men, cold feet in winter, - the relation of various hormones in both men and women are different, there are differences in the rate of metabolism. A woman's body is designed by nature for bearing offspring, and the task of maintaining the internal temperature of the body temperature to maintain a balance in the internal organs, for it is of the utmost importance. But the small vessels of the hands and legs, especially on the periphery of attention, at the risk of hypothermia and heat them without hesitation is taken in favor of the more important organs.
Fortunately, the situation is not hopeless, you can deal with it, and even quite affordable and simple methods. In any case, if chilly feet is not associated with any serious illness.
How to keep warm in winter
The simplest thing we can do is to dress according to the weather. If our body is securely sheltered from the cold and the internal organs hypothermia is not threatened, and then take away the heat from the feet of the body there is no reason. So in the cold season, the first thing that we should pay attention to - the functionality of clothes and shoes, and only her beauty and fashion trends compliance pray thee albeit in second place.
At the time of cold weather pro elegant high-heeled boots and a narrow toe is better to forget, winter footwear should be spacious enough to retained air space between the foot and footwear, and to not interfere with the tightness of the blood to move freely through the blood vessels, warming his feet. Do not neglect the warm insoles, preferably with wool insulation, dry them on a regular basis.
The question whether to wear tights, and how they Dolny be warm, I will leave up to you, but personally I would recommend extreme cold wool tights under trousers and warm socks. If your feet meznut even with the warm woolen socks, try heat-resistant - they prednaznachny mainly for tourists who are fond of winter outdoor activities, but it is very good for the feet to prevent freezing in the city. However, thermal socks thermal socks discord, they come in different types, designed for different purposes and therefore are different and the safeguard quality, and durability, and the ability to remove moisture. A mixture of wool with synthetic fibers for the production of extremely popular Thermosocks as a combination of optimally solves almost all the problems. Good thermal socks from modern synthetic materials, such as Hollofil ®, Thermax ®, Thermastat ®, they successfully combine the properties of natural materials and, moreover, are deprived of many of their shortcomings. Socks from such materials hold great heat (as well as wool), they are pleasing to the skin, more durable than wool and dries faster. Choosing thermal socks, be careful not to Narva banal fraud!
Physical activity, movement - one of the best means of combating the situation where cold feet. Do not stand still at the bus stop waiting for transport, walk, jump, stamping his feet. In no case do not smoke in the cold, smoking reduces the peripheral blood circulation, it makes the feet vulnerable to frost even more. Do not go out into the cold hungry, a good breakfast or a high-calorie meal will not let you freeze. If the cold will spend a lot of time, grab a thermos of hot tea or a decoction of rose hips.
Well, if preventative measures do not help (or you have ignored them), and your legs have become "icicles", once in the heat, immediately begin to warm the procedures.
Warms the inside and outside
Once inside the house after a long winter walk, release the frozen feet from shoes, socks, tights and other means of insulation, and put into a warm bath. Too vigorously rub the frozen areas should not be, legs should be warmed slowly, the water temperature in the bath increased gradually from 20-25 degrees and bringing up to 40-42 degrees.
Fast warm up, when your feet are frozen, alcohol helps compress on the area of the feet. Besides the traditional way, there are more original - the plantar part of the thin socks moistened with alcohol (vodka), we put these socks on warmed in hot water legs, put on top of warm woolen socks. The tide of heat after such a procedure, you will feel instantly legs start literally "burn", the cold recedes.
Foot massage will help to warm the feet and legs completely. Feet can be massaged his hands with a dry brush or a special massage roller. Massaging the legs above the feet, keep in mind that all of the massage movements should go upwards in the direction from the feet to the heart.
Odnoremenno with activities outside influence, and do not miss the opportunity to get warm from the inside. I do not mean alcohol, although I think, cups of mulled wine, brewed according to the rules, will be in this case is not excessive. Excellent help to warm and just a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, hot milk, drinks with ginger, cinnamon.
For example, a spicy herbal tea will warm the whole body to the tips of your toes, support the immune system and do not give the slightest chance of a cold: take 1 teaspoon of sage, peppermint, chamomile, bay leaf, valerian root, plus add a piece of ginger, 2 cloves a pinch of coriander and a bit of black pepper on the tip of a knife. Fill all a liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a thermos.
So you can drink warm up, if your feet are cold, not only outside, but also in a warm room, even though, of course, in that case, you should muster the determination and refer to specialists, first of all, to the vascular surgeon. He will be able to conduct the necessary studies to evaluate the condition of your blood vessels and, if necessary, will tell you what doctors have yet to be tested, especially if there are other unpleasant symptoms: drowsiness, fatigue, general fatigue, weight gain, swelling, deformity veins .
After all, "merzlyavost 'feet can be a symptom of a fairly wide range of diseases such as varicose veins, diabetes, dystonia, disorders of nerve impulses, reduced thyroid function may cause excessive activity in the autonomic nervous system, or if there are problems with connection cloth or pushing load emotional problems.
The root of your problem could also be in the anemia, it often affects women. Check your blood hemoglobin content, if the content is below normal, try to enrich the menu on the iron-rich foods, and possibly merznuschih problem go away on its own feet. Try also to have in your winter diet was enough vitamin C, which is responsible for the permeability of capillaries and collagen synthesis, and regulates blood vessel elasticity. Broth hips, kiwi, citrus, pickled cabbage - the best sources of this vitamin in the winter. And nuts, pumpkin seeds add to your diet with vitamin P, is also very important for good blood circulation, in addition, it prevents oxidation of vitamin C.
At reduced vascular tone do not neglect such a procedure as a douche. This tempering and restorative action can be used both morning and evening.
Make life easier for those who have constantly cold feet, can also warming creams for feet. Typically, they include natural components that activate blood circulation: red pepper extract, camphor, cocoa butter, sesame seed and rosemary.
If the skin is delicate legs, try a children's Warming Cream for legs "Our Mother", it includes badger oil, aloe vera, red pepper, lavender essential oil.
Prepare a warming cream for legs can be independently, mixing a couple of these components with conventional petroleum jelly or baby cream. Apply a warming cream on dried surface feet after a foot bath.
You can try to warm the feet of the following infusion: two teaspoons of red pepper, pour a glass of vodka. Infuse 10 days, then drain and grease infusion feet at night - improves blood circulation, and the legs will not freeze. Here are just a composition with red pepper should be used with caution, warms it well, but often causes allergic reactions and irritation.
Less nervous, eat well, put on one's shoes and dress for the weather, carry out the activities and procedures that improve blood circulation - these simple tips will help you keep your feet warm in any cold!
All the matter in the structural features of our body. Muscle mass, which is to conserve the heat in this part of the body is small, subcutaneous adipose tissue almost there, and the area of the skin, gives off heat, is quite high. There is also a physiological explanation for the fact that women are much stronger than men, cold feet in winter, - the relation of various hormones in both men and women are different, there are differences in the rate of metabolism. A woman's body is designed by nature for bearing offspring, and the task of maintaining the internal temperature of the body temperature to maintain a balance in the internal organs, for it is of the utmost importance. But the small vessels of the hands and legs, especially on the periphery of attention, at the risk of hypothermia and heat them without hesitation is taken in favor of the more important organs.
Fortunately, the situation is not hopeless, you can deal with it, and even quite affordable and simple methods. In any case, if chilly feet is not associated with any serious illness.
How to keep warm in winter
The simplest thing we can do is to dress according to the weather. If our body is securely sheltered from the cold and the internal organs hypothermia is not threatened, and then take away the heat from the feet of the body there is no reason. So in the cold season, the first thing that we should pay attention to - the functionality of clothes and shoes, and only her beauty and fashion trends compliance pray thee albeit in second place.
At the time of cold weather pro elegant high-heeled boots and a narrow toe is better to forget, winter footwear should be spacious enough to retained air space between the foot and footwear, and to not interfere with the tightness of the blood to move freely through the blood vessels, warming his feet. Do not neglect the warm insoles, preferably with wool insulation, dry them on a regular basis.
The question whether to wear tights, and how they Dolny be warm, I will leave up to you, but personally I would recommend extreme cold wool tights under trousers and warm socks. If your feet meznut even with the warm woolen socks, try heat-resistant - they prednaznachny mainly for tourists who are fond of winter outdoor activities, but it is very good for the feet to prevent freezing in the city. However, thermal socks thermal socks discord, they come in different types, designed for different purposes and therefore are different and the safeguard quality, and durability, and the ability to remove moisture. A mixture of wool with synthetic fibers for the production of extremely popular Thermosocks as a combination of optimally solves almost all the problems. Good thermal socks from modern synthetic materials, such as Hollofil ®, Thermax ®, Thermastat ®, they successfully combine the properties of natural materials and, moreover, are deprived of many of their shortcomings. Socks from such materials hold great heat (as well as wool), they are pleasing to the skin, more durable than wool and dries faster. Choosing thermal socks, be careful not to Narva banal fraud!
Physical activity, movement - one of the best means of combating the situation where cold feet. Do not stand still at the bus stop waiting for transport, walk, jump, stamping his feet. In no case do not smoke in the cold, smoking reduces the peripheral blood circulation, it makes the feet vulnerable to frost even more. Do not go out into the cold hungry, a good breakfast or a high-calorie meal will not let you freeze. If the cold will spend a lot of time, grab a thermos of hot tea or a decoction of rose hips.
Well, if preventative measures do not help (or you have ignored them), and your legs have become "icicles", once in the heat, immediately begin to warm the procedures.
Warms the inside and outside
Once inside the house after a long winter walk, release the frozen feet from shoes, socks, tights and other means of insulation, and put into a warm bath. Too vigorously rub the frozen areas should not be, legs should be warmed slowly, the water temperature in the bath increased gradually from 20-25 degrees and bringing up to 40-42 degrees.
Fast warm up, when your feet are frozen, alcohol helps compress on the area of the feet. Besides the traditional way, there are more original - the plantar part of the thin socks moistened with alcohol (vodka), we put these socks on warmed in hot water legs, put on top of warm woolen socks. The tide of heat after such a procedure, you will feel instantly legs start literally "burn", the cold recedes.
Foot massage will help to warm the feet and legs completely. Feet can be massaged his hands with a dry brush or a special massage roller. Massaging the legs above the feet, keep in mind that all of the massage movements should go upwards in the direction from the feet to the heart.
Odnoremenno with activities outside influence, and do not miss the opportunity to get warm from the inside. I do not mean alcohol, although I think, cups of mulled wine, brewed according to the rules, will be in this case is not excessive. Excellent help to warm and just a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, hot milk, drinks with ginger, cinnamon.
For example, a spicy herbal tea will warm the whole body to the tips of your toes, support the immune system and do not give the slightest chance of a cold: take 1 teaspoon of sage, peppermint, chamomile, bay leaf, valerian root, plus add a piece of ginger, 2 cloves a pinch of coriander and a bit of black pepper on the tip of a knife. Fill all a liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a thermos.
So you can drink warm up, if your feet are cold, not only outside, but also in a warm room, even though, of course, in that case, you should muster the determination and refer to specialists, first of all, to the vascular surgeon. He will be able to conduct the necessary studies to evaluate the condition of your blood vessels and, if necessary, will tell you what doctors have yet to be tested, especially if there are other unpleasant symptoms: drowsiness, fatigue, general fatigue, weight gain, swelling, deformity veins .
After all, "merzlyavost 'feet can be a symptom of a fairly wide range of diseases such as varicose veins, diabetes, dystonia, disorders of nerve impulses, reduced thyroid function may cause excessive activity in the autonomic nervous system, or if there are problems with connection cloth or pushing load emotional problems.
The root of your problem could also be in the anemia, it often affects women. Check your blood hemoglobin content, if the content is below normal, try to enrich the menu on the iron-rich foods, and possibly merznuschih problem go away on its own feet. Try also to have in your winter diet was enough vitamin C, which is responsible for the permeability of capillaries and collagen synthesis, and regulates blood vessel elasticity. Broth hips, kiwi, citrus, pickled cabbage - the best sources of this vitamin in the winter. And nuts, pumpkin seeds add to your diet with vitamin P, is also very important for good blood circulation, in addition, it prevents oxidation of vitamin C.
At reduced vascular tone do not neglect such a procedure as a douche. This tempering and restorative action can be used both morning and evening.
Make life easier for those who have constantly cold feet, can also warming creams for feet. Typically, they include natural components that activate blood circulation: red pepper extract, camphor, cocoa butter, sesame seed and rosemary.
If the skin is delicate legs, try a children's Warming Cream for legs "Our Mother", it includes badger oil, aloe vera, red pepper, lavender essential oil.
Prepare a warming cream for legs can be independently, mixing a couple of these components with conventional petroleum jelly or baby cream. Apply a warming cream on dried surface feet after a foot bath.
You can try to warm the feet of the following infusion: two teaspoons of red pepper, pour a glass of vodka. Infuse 10 days, then drain and grease infusion feet at night - improves blood circulation, and the legs will not freeze. Here are just a composition with red pepper should be used with caution, warms it well, but often causes allergic reactions and irritation.
Less nervous, eat well, put on one's shoes and dress for the weather, carry out the activities and procedures that improve blood circulation - these simple tips will help you keep your feet warm in any cold!
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