Carbon Diet

Coal Diet - this diet with activated charcoal. The main advantage of this diet is that in addition to the planned reduction of weight, and in addition you have clean your body (weight loss of coal refers to the detox diet).

Cleansing is achieved using activated (active) coal. He refers to the processing of wood products, and therefore is a natural and environmentally friendly. It is worth activated carbon inexpensive and always available in pharmacies.

Coal - a natural sorbent, with a strong absorbent (black pills without odor and taste), so it effectively cleanses the body (primarily the gastro-intestinal tract) from a variety of natural and man-made toxins: microorganisms and their metabolic products, toxic compounds, allergens , gases, toxins, degradation products, fats, undigested food particles, excess fluid, etc. Coal is a highly porous and non-toxic neutral substance. Completely excreted by the body within seven to ten hours.

Therefore, activated carbon (carbol) can be used not only for medical purposes (in the chemical and food poisoning, infections, allergies, abuse chairs, etc.), but also as an assistant for weight loss. It should be remembered that in addition to harmful substances and fats, activated charcoal can absorb also useful compounds (minerals and vitamins), precisely because of that, this type of diet is not recommended for a long time. Since there might be problems with the chair, metabolism and general exhaustion. This drawback can be partially compensated by using vitamin and mineral supplements and including a mandatory diet apples.

Just as with most other diets, carbon diet involves exercise and a balanced diet.

Contraindications to the coal diet: breast-feeding, pregnancy, children and old age, the general weakness of the body (the state after a cold, flu, operations, nervous tension, etc.), the presence of acute and chronic diseases of the intestine, stomach, kidney, pancreas, liver, and medication (including oral contraceptives).

Weight loss diets during the coal will depend on the diet, since the use of coal, primarily relates to detoxification diet. Weight loss is a side phenomenon that will certainly arise if the caloric intake falls.

There are several options coal diet.

Option One

The diet lasts for ten days. During this time, excluded from the diet of fat (lard, bacon, sausage, duck, pork, etc.) and fried foods, and sweets (candy, caramel, honey, chocolate, jewelry and all sorts of pastry cream). Before breakfast (30 minutes), you need to drink four tablets of activated charcoal, before lunch - three pills and before dinner - also three.

Option two

Diet also lasts for ten days. Excluded products - are the same as in the first embodiment. The quantity of coal (daily dose) is calculated from the weight of a person. For every 10 pounds - one tablet of activated charcoal. For example, if you weigh 80 pounds, you will need to 8 tablets. If the weight of 65 pounds, then take seven pills instead of six and a half. The calculated number of tablets in a mortar and grind into a homogeneous powder and dividing it into three equal parts. One often uses the hour before breakfast, the second - an hour before lunch, and the third - an hour before dinner.

Of the allowed-to-eat foods: lean meat and fish, vegetables (except potatoes), fruit, milk and dairy products in small amounts allowed nuts and dried fruits.

Approximate menu coal per day diet

Breakfast: before breakfast drink activated charcoal, scrambled eggs (150 grams), green tea (150 ml), 1 grain bread, the average apple.

Lunch before dinner drink activated charcoal, pea soup (soup bowl medium size), 2 slices (30 grams) of rye bread, apple juice (150 ml).

Dinner: a pre-dinner drink activated charcoal, salad with radishes, lettuce and cucumber (150 g), boiled skinless breast (100 grams), mineral water (250 ml).

The second dinner: low-fat yogurt (150 ml).

Coal diet intended for general detoxification, cleaning it from the harmful and toxic substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.), as well as excess fat. But it should be used correctly, please read before use with all contraindications. It is desirable to consult a nutritionist or other expert.

Coal diet is not recommended to use often, as this can have a negative impact on human health, but with the right approach, it helps to cleanse the body and improve health.

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