Like weight loss rules are simple: eat less, move more. Then why millions of people around the world continue to struggle with excess weight and do not lose weight as they wish?
It is known that about 20 percent of people around the world are
constantly sit on a diet, and 40% of men and 30% of women regularly
attend training and monitor their physical activity. That is, so many people are in a constant desire to lose weight. So it's not so simple, and not all works of this simple principle: "eat less, move more."
It turns out that many of our weight loss efforts are contrary to what is still part of our lives. For example, some drugs lead to weight gain (that antidepressants, medications for migraine, diabetes, high blood pressure), provoke completeness of the disease, about which you can not guess, and some types of workouts and a wrong way of life.
In order to understand why you're fat, you should know a great deal about yourself and your health. Consider what may lie the problem of excess weight. Perhaps these reasons prevent you lose weight.
PROBLEM: The progressive gradual weight gain
Reason: Slow metabolism or extreme diets.
Since the age of 30 our metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories while at rest) slows down by as much as 5% for every 10 years. This means that you will burn 100 calories a day less at age 35 than it was in the 25-year-old state, and by 200 calories a day less than 45 years of age, and so on. This slowing down enough to allow every year on weight 4-6 pounds!
Extreme diets (those that give greater weight loss in a very short period of time, the so-called yo-yo dieting, or strict diets) impair the metabolism, by the way, regardless of your age. Organism slow metabolism because it includes the mechanism only when experiencing hunger and not continuously, with every meal.
Who is at risk: All people over 30 who want to lose weight.
The solution of the problem. Increasing physical activity. Twice a week, the power required intensive training to build muscle, and this will increase the metabolic rate. Muscle burns on 25-33% more calories than fat does. Increased muscle mass also increases metabolic rate at rest and recreation. If you replace 5 pounds of fat on 5 pounds of muscle, the body will burn each day for 40 more calories while at rest. At first glance, it's a little bit, but in a week it's got 280 calories, and a month is 1120. And that is enough to lose weight without dieting.
What kind of training is best for building muscle? Consult with a fitness instructor, and if not possible, then pay attention to the push-ups, squats, lunges, exercises with dumbbells (you can substitute with water bottles).
PROBLEM: Weight gain in patients receiving drugs
Reason: Side effects of drugs taken.
For drugs that are directly related to weight gain include many popular drugs. This is primarily antidepressants, medications that are prescribed for migraine medication for diabetics, as well as drugs for high blood pressure.
Who's at risk: Anyone who accepts the above drugs. Along with this drug can act differently on different people. And if one weight goes up, the other the same medicines may on the contrary, lead to weight loss.
The solution of the problem. This is not do without the help of your doctor. Independently stop taking any medicine prescribed to you. But if you think that the weight gain is due to the side effects of drugs, you can ask your GP to match you with an alternative medication, they may not be as much lead to weight gain.
PROBLEM: Workouts that do not lead to weight loss
Cause: Improper type of training.
Who is at risk: As mentioned above, about 40% of men and 30% of women who exercise regularly can not lose weight.
If you do not change anything in your training, then the so-called effect of "plateau" where the body adapts to the stress, and the burning of fat and calories drastically reduced.
The solution of the problem. Exercises should be diverse, they should include fragments of intensive exercise. For example, if you're running - it's a few minutes of sprinting, if go - then jogging. This will increase metabolism within the next 24 hours. For example, simply switching from walking to jogging, calories are burned is 100% better and twice reduced the time spent on it.
PROBLEM: The pear-shaped figure type, with a worsening of the bottom (thick legs and thighs)
Reason: Swelling and fluid retention in body tissues.
Swelling of the legs can be caused by an abnormal accumulation of fat cells under the skin at the same time in these fat cells accumulate fluid. Outwardly, it sometimes looks like bruises and cellulite.
Who is at risk: from 5 to 10% of women. The exact cause is not found, then a fifth of all cases - is heredity.
Solution: Drugs do not exist, but there is a special supportive clothing or dressings that support the tissue and stimulate the lymphatic system to the allotment of excess fluid.
PROBLEM: The wide waist, bloated feeling in the stomach area
Reason: Food intolerance of certain foods.
Other signals may be flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, discomfort after meals. This may be accompanied by fatigue and joint pain. If the body can not tolerate some foods, it is difficult to digest them, and they remain in the digestive tract to digest only partially. As a result, food debris begin to interact with bacteria.
The most common foods that can not take your body - milk and wheat. Lactose intolerance is contained in milk and dairy products, is quite common.
Who is at risk: To varying degrees, all of us. But with age, it has become increasingly common, particularly with regard to lactose intolerance.
The solution of the problem. Symptoms of food intolerance can manifest itself immediately, as opposed to, for example, allergies, which can be determined immediately after the consumption of some foods. Therefore, experts advise to write down everything you eat. Keep a "food diary", skid there all the food, all drinks and medicines that you consume. Keep a record of the fact that you feel. After a few weeks you will be able to see whether you have any food intolerances.
Once you decide the products that cause discomfort (most commonly wheat, milk, eggs), exclude them from the diet (one for a few days), and then be able to understand the rejection of any products eases. Do not be afraid, you need only 1-2 weeks to adapt their menus to optimal. If you can not solve a problem, come to the doctor with his "food diary", you will help the specialist.
PROBLEM: Weight gain after 40-50 years
Reason: Hormonal changes in women of middle age.
About 90% of women start to gain weight during menopause and weight gain often begins gradually, during the period of pre-menopause, is closer to 40 years. Thus, once the weight is concentrated mainly in the middle of the body. All that - the result of three major imbalance hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
Sharply falling levels of progesterone and testosterone and estrogen becomes the dominant hormone. Estrogen also reduced, but against the reduction of other hormones, it becomes a bit redundant. And estrogen causes the body to store fat, suppressing the use of fat for energy. As a result, the weight increases mercilessly, and no exercise can not save.
Who is at risk: All women older than 40 years.
The solution of the problem. A healthy diet, active lifestyle and ... adoption of aging. Do not be offended by estrogen, it carries us a lot of useful things. For example, eases the symptoms of menopause, such as anxiety, hot flashes. It also provides some protection against osteoporosis.
PROBLEM: The fat in the lower abdomen and waist.
Reason: Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is associated with a hormonal imbalance (too much testosterone and other male hormones).
Who is at risk from 5 to 10% of women of childbearing age are such problems. While the phenomenon has not been studied, but hereditary confirmed.
Other signs of this disease may be irregular or lack of them, acne, excess hair on the face and thighs, thinning of the hair on his head. The accumulation of fat in the center of the body: chest, waist, abdomen and back.
The solution of the problem. If the weight increases with the absence of menstrual periods or irregular periods, turn the blood on hormones, and ask your doctor to do an ultrasound of ovaries. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will be offered medication to treat and relieve the symptoms. Also shown is the diet that controls excess insulin.
PROBLEM: The gradual increase in weight plus a puffy face.
The reason: poor performance of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid (located in the neck region) is responsible for the control of metabolism, helps convert food into energy.
The symptoms that accompany the disruption of the thyroid gland may be brittle hair and nails, lack of energy, dry skin, feeling cold frequent. If your thyroid gland is not functioning properly, the body can produce too much jelly-like substance called mucopolysaccharides that make you a little swollen, which is especially noticeable on the face.
Who is at risk: Women are 10 times more prone to problems with the thyroid gland than men. Often these violations occur during pregnancy or menopause. On the progress of the disease can affect and poor nutrition. To a large extent, a weak immune system affects this state. Heredity also affects, you can be born with it, but for the time being not to notice, and the disease may run a virus, stress, pregnancy.
The solution of the problem. Consult your doctor to do a blood test. If a new sluggishness of the thyroid gland, you will be prescribed medication (eg, levothyroxine, a synthetic version of the hormone thyroxine).
PROBLEM: Constant state of swelling, edema, swelling
Reason: water retention, possibly kidney failure, liver problems.
Periodic water retention - it's not a problem, it is common, both men and women. We are talking about a permanent anti-inflammatory therapies. And then this should trigger an alarm.
Other symptoms include swollen ankles and shins. Try to pinch myself where there is swelling. You should be alerted if you can not do that if swelling is too dense. The problem here in the liver and kidneys. They can not cope with the fact that rid the body of salts. Therefore, fluid builds up, it is delayed salts.
Who is at risk: People with high blood pressure, diabetics, patients with hepatitis, as well as those who consume alcohol excessively.
The solution of the problem. Better to consult a doctor. Help alleviate the condition gradual increase in physical activity, reducing salt intake, consumption of sufficient amounts of water.
PROBLEM: The constant fullness
Reason: Genetic.
Numerous studies have shown that a particular gene which promotes fat accumulation. There are also genes that control appetite. Along with this, there are opposite genes that enhance the degradation of fat, irrespective of diet and nutrition. All this explains why it is often whole families are overweight, and can not "break" the trend.
Who is at risk: According to some studies, one in every six people on earth is a carrier of genes that promote weight loss.
The solution of the problem. Such people have a hard exercise than others. You should not rely on the majority of them can be simply walking, and people with a genetic predisposition to gain weight have to work on them more intensely.
It turns out that many of our weight loss efforts are contrary to what is still part of our lives. For example, some drugs lead to weight gain (that antidepressants, medications for migraine, diabetes, high blood pressure), provoke completeness of the disease, about which you can not guess, and some types of workouts and a wrong way of life.
In order to understand why you're fat, you should know a great deal about yourself and your health. Consider what may lie the problem of excess weight. Perhaps these reasons prevent you lose weight.
PROBLEM: The progressive gradual weight gain
Reason: Slow metabolism or extreme diets.
Since the age of 30 our metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories while at rest) slows down by as much as 5% for every 10 years. This means that you will burn 100 calories a day less at age 35 than it was in the 25-year-old state, and by 200 calories a day less than 45 years of age, and so on. This slowing down enough to allow every year on weight 4-6 pounds!
Extreme diets (those that give greater weight loss in a very short period of time, the so-called yo-yo dieting, or strict diets) impair the metabolism, by the way, regardless of your age. Organism slow metabolism because it includes the mechanism only when experiencing hunger and not continuously, with every meal.
Who is at risk: All people over 30 who want to lose weight.
The solution of the problem. Increasing physical activity. Twice a week, the power required intensive training to build muscle, and this will increase the metabolic rate. Muscle burns on 25-33% more calories than fat does. Increased muscle mass also increases metabolic rate at rest and recreation. If you replace 5 pounds of fat on 5 pounds of muscle, the body will burn each day for 40 more calories while at rest. At first glance, it's a little bit, but in a week it's got 280 calories, and a month is 1120. And that is enough to lose weight without dieting.
What kind of training is best for building muscle? Consult with a fitness instructor, and if not possible, then pay attention to the push-ups, squats, lunges, exercises with dumbbells (you can substitute with water bottles).
PROBLEM: Weight gain in patients receiving drugs
Reason: Side effects of drugs taken.
For drugs that are directly related to weight gain include many popular drugs. This is primarily antidepressants, medications that are prescribed for migraine medication for diabetics, as well as drugs for high blood pressure.
Who's at risk: Anyone who accepts the above drugs. Along with this drug can act differently on different people. And if one weight goes up, the other the same medicines may on the contrary, lead to weight loss.
The solution of the problem. This is not do without the help of your doctor. Independently stop taking any medicine prescribed to you. But if you think that the weight gain is due to the side effects of drugs, you can ask your GP to match you with an alternative medication, they may not be as much lead to weight gain.
PROBLEM: Workouts that do not lead to weight loss
Cause: Improper type of training.
Who is at risk: As mentioned above, about 40% of men and 30% of women who exercise regularly can not lose weight.
If you do not change anything in your training, then the so-called effect of "plateau" where the body adapts to the stress, and the burning of fat and calories drastically reduced.
The solution of the problem. Exercises should be diverse, they should include fragments of intensive exercise. For example, if you're running - it's a few minutes of sprinting, if go - then jogging. This will increase metabolism within the next 24 hours. For example, simply switching from walking to jogging, calories are burned is 100% better and twice reduced the time spent on it.
PROBLEM: The pear-shaped figure type, with a worsening of the bottom (thick legs and thighs)
Reason: Swelling and fluid retention in body tissues.
Swelling of the legs can be caused by an abnormal accumulation of fat cells under the skin at the same time in these fat cells accumulate fluid. Outwardly, it sometimes looks like bruises and cellulite.
Who is at risk: from 5 to 10% of women. The exact cause is not found, then a fifth of all cases - is heredity.
Solution: Drugs do not exist, but there is a special supportive clothing or dressings that support the tissue and stimulate the lymphatic system to the allotment of excess fluid.
PROBLEM: The wide waist, bloated feeling in the stomach area
Reason: Food intolerance of certain foods.
Other signals may be flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, discomfort after meals. This may be accompanied by fatigue and joint pain. If the body can not tolerate some foods, it is difficult to digest them, and they remain in the digestive tract to digest only partially. As a result, food debris begin to interact with bacteria.
The most common foods that can not take your body - milk and wheat. Lactose intolerance is contained in milk and dairy products, is quite common.
Who is at risk: To varying degrees, all of us. But with age, it has become increasingly common, particularly with regard to lactose intolerance.
The solution of the problem. Symptoms of food intolerance can manifest itself immediately, as opposed to, for example, allergies, which can be determined immediately after the consumption of some foods. Therefore, experts advise to write down everything you eat. Keep a "food diary", skid there all the food, all drinks and medicines that you consume. Keep a record of the fact that you feel. After a few weeks you will be able to see whether you have any food intolerances.
Once you decide the products that cause discomfort (most commonly wheat, milk, eggs), exclude them from the diet (one for a few days), and then be able to understand the rejection of any products eases. Do not be afraid, you need only 1-2 weeks to adapt their menus to optimal. If you can not solve a problem, come to the doctor with his "food diary", you will help the specialist.
PROBLEM: Weight gain after 40-50 years
Reason: Hormonal changes in women of middle age.
About 90% of women start to gain weight during menopause and weight gain often begins gradually, during the period of pre-menopause, is closer to 40 years. Thus, once the weight is concentrated mainly in the middle of the body. All that - the result of three major imbalance hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
Sharply falling levels of progesterone and testosterone and estrogen becomes the dominant hormone. Estrogen also reduced, but against the reduction of other hormones, it becomes a bit redundant. And estrogen causes the body to store fat, suppressing the use of fat for energy. As a result, the weight increases mercilessly, and no exercise can not save.
Who is at risk: All women older than 40 years.
The solution of the problem. A healthy diet, active lifestyle and ... adoption of aging. Do not be offended by estrogen, it carries us a lot of useful things. For example, eases the symptoms of menopause, such as anxiety, hot flashes. It also provides some protection against osteoporosis.
PROBLEM: The fat in the lower abdomen and waist.
Reason: Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is associated with a hormonal imbalance (too much testosterone and other male hormones).
Who is at risk from 5 to 10% of women of childbearing age are such problems. While the phenomenon has not been studied, but hereditary confirmed.
Other signs of this disease may be irregular or lack of them, acne, excess hair on the face and thighs, thinning of the hair on his head. The accumulation of fat in the center of the body: chest, waist, abdomen and back.
The solution of the problem. If the weight increases with the absence of menstrual periods or irregular periods, turn the blood on hormones, and ask your doctor to do an ultrasound of ovaries. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will be offered medication to treat and relieve the symptoms. Also shown is the diet that controls excess insulin.
PROBLEM: The gradual increase in weight plus a puffy face.
The reason: poor performance of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid (located in the neck region) is responsible for the control of metabolism, helps convert food into energy.
The symptoms that accompany the disruption of the thyroid gland may be brittle hair and nails, lack of energy, dry skin, feeling cold frequent. If your thyroid gland is not functioning properly, the body can produce too much jelly-like substance called mucopolysaccharides that make you a little swollen, which is especially noticeable on the face.
Who is at risk: Women are 10 times more prone to problems with the thyroid gland than men. Often these violations occur during pregnancy or menopause. On the progress of the disease can affect and poor nutrition. To a large extent, a weak immune system affects this state. Heredity also affects, you can be born with it, but for the time being not to notice, and the disease may run a virus, stress, pregnancy.
The solution of the problem. Consult your doctor to do a blood test. If a new sluggishness of the thyroid gland, you will be prescribed medication (eg, levothyroxine, a synthetic version of the hormone thyroxine).
PROBLEM: Constant state of swelling, edema, swelling
Reason: water retention, possibly kidney failure, liver problems.
Periodic water retention - it's not a problem, it is common, both men and women. We are talking about a permanent anti-inflammatory therapies. And then this should trigger an alarm.
Other symptoms include swollen ankles and shins. Try to pinch myself where there is swelling. You should be alerted if you can not do that if swelling is too dense. The problem here in the liver and kidneys. They can not cope with the fact that rid the body of salts. Therefore, fluid builds up, it is delayed salts.
Who is at risk: People with high blood pressure, diabetics, patients with hepatitis, as well as those who consume alcohol excessively.
The solution of the problem. Better to consult a doctor. Help alleviate the condition gradual increase in physical activity, reducing salt intake, consumption of sufficient amounts of water.
PROBLEM: The constant fullness
Reason: Genetic.
Numerous studies have shown that a particular gene which promotes fat accumulation. There are also genes that control appetite. Along with this, there are opposite genes that enhance the degradation of fat, irrespective of diet and nutrition. All this explains why it is often whole families are overweight, and can not "break" the trend.
Who is at risk: According to some studies, one in every six people on earth is a carrier of genes that promote weight loss.
The solution of the problem. Such people have a hard exercise than others. You should not rely on the majority of them can be simply walking, and people with a genetic predisposition to gain weight have to work on them more intensely.
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