Braces - for health and ... for Style!

Today, people are paying increasing attention to the health of the teeth. Everybody is trying to become the owners of the Hollywood smile, even if the nature of this is not given to them. Did you notice that only costs a smile - and you will feel a special location? Smiling helps to solve various problems, likable and brings joy to everyone around. But what if the teeth are misaligned? In this case, the aid of braces. Do not take them as a nuisance! They can become part of your image. Index - to pick them up and do not be afraid to show!

Why are braces?

Braces help to align the teeth, correct bite. They consist of clasps, special adhesive attached to the tooth and the arc placed in the slots of locks. Pressure is exerted on the teeth, gently biasing and leveling them. Of course, to achieve the desired result, need at least a year, but beautiful teeth will please the rest of your life!

Overbite - this is only an aesthetic problem? The answer is no. When teeth are evenly merge, split between them properly chewing load. When malocclusion some teeth are overloaded, and other poorly operated. The pressure exerted by the teeth on each other, they may cause loosening and loss. Hard to mastication may occur violations of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes there is the clicking in the jaw, and even facial asymmetry.

What are braces?

As of today there are many different types of braces. They can choose to suit every taste.

At the location they are:

• vestibular (located on the outside of the teeth);

• ligvalnye (on the inside).

By the time of exposure:

• Permanent (used for adults and children with a pronounced change in the bite);

• detachable (used in the early stages).

By material type:

• metal (the cheapest and most durable option);

• Plastic;

• ceramic.

The color of braces may be different. You can pick your favorite shade, or a combination of several colors. Very popular is the blue, purple, yellow, red and pink.

How to choose the braces?

To answer this question, we must deal with all the advantages and disadvantages of different types of braces. Often becomes the defining moment of appearance. It depends on the material used.

The main advantage of metal braces - the reasonable price and high reliability. However, the first time after their installation can be felt irritated gums. Currently, in many countries, braces are perceived as a symbol of security and status of the family, so often preferred metallic systems because of their visibility.

Ceramic braces are accurate and less visible, but they have a number of disadvantages. They require expensive metal and a longer course of treatment.

Sapphire braces incredibly aesthetic. They are resistant to the formation of plaque and to the action of dyes. They are best used for light-colored teeth. With sapphire braces must be handled as carefully as they are highly fragile.

Plastic braces are characterized by a more affordable price than ceramic and sapphire. They are aesthetic and beautiful, but not strong enough and can change the original color, because they are able to absorb dyes.

For those who prefer invisible braces, lingual should think about this. Their main disadvantages - high cost and problems with diction in the beginning of wearing that last as long as the language does not adapt to a decrease in the mouth.

How to properly care for braces?

1. Maintain proper oral hygiene. Thoroughly clean and rinse your teeth after every meal.

2. Cleaning the mouth with braces - not a simple matter. You will need a number of special adaptations. Use the special V-shaped toothbrush with bristles cut on, which follows the contours of braces. Horizontal movements clean the outer surface of the teeth along the arc. Food debris between the teeth with floss to remove. To clean the surface of the teeth, submerged arc bracket, use brushes.

3. Use the tools recommended by your doctor - solutions, rinses.

4. Change the diet. Do not eat anything solid and viscous. Eliminate hot and cold food. It is better not to drink coloring beverages (tea, coffee, juice).

Many are concerned about the issue, is there any age restrictions on the use of braces? No. Today it is no surprise people with a plate on the teeth. It is even fashionable and stylish! Once they shyly covered his hand, but now they have become an ornament. Wearing braces can be turned into fun. They do not have to be ordinary and unremarkable. Braces can be bright and unusual, eye-catching appearance and gives its owner a highlight!

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