Why do you need to drink more water

Nutritionists, cosmetologists, doctors - all vying advised to drink plenty of water. From health care professionals are sounding the alarm: more than three-quarters of the world's population are dehydrated. People are not motivated to drink water every day, although this depends on the health and youth.

We offer a strong case for an 8-ounce glasses of water per day:

Water - a good assistant in maintaining the desired weight
Girls who are on a diet and watching their weight, know that you need to drink plenty of water. If you drink enough water, it will help regulate appetite, because very often during the hunger we accept the common thirst. When the body gets the right amount of water, the metabolism functioning optimally, which does not get fat and maintain proper weight.

Water gives energy
In the middle of the day so often leans tired, sleepy, forces at work is not enough. Rather, it is from dehydration. Before you drink a cup of coffee for courage, drink one or two glasses of pure water. You immediately feel that the work has become easier to come vigor and care.

Water - it's healthy bones
We all know that our bodies are 80% water. But did you know that your bones are 50% made up of water, too? To bone cells grow and multiply, to be healthy, they need water. This is a good argument to drink a glass of water once, because no one wants to have bone problems. And we know that with age, it is most often a women's issue.

Water removes toxins
Water helps remove toxins and other harmful waste from the lymphatic system, kidney and intestines. You do not want to store garbage in your body! This is the easiest cleansing. Drink plenty of water and you will not suffer from such a feature clogged lymphatic system as constant fatigue. Liver and kidneys, too, need a lot of water to do its job of cleansing.

Water will help the brain
Surprisingly, in many brain functioning by water. And it works very much. Did you know that the human brain produces the same amount of electricity as a 60 W light bulb? Give your brain enough water to keep it running at a high level.

Water - it is a healthy and youthful skin
What is a beautiful skin? Glowing, healthy, no spots and blackheads. We spend a lot of money on caring creams to achieve a beautiful and young skin. But we forget that the same effect can be achieved much more simply. With the help of water. The skin is supplied with a residual moisture, so only the good and regular moisturizing body will provide the positive effects of water to the skin. Besides, the water removes the skin from toxins.

Water - it's a good digestion
Such a problem as constipation never visited people who drink a lot of water, only one fiber, unfortunately, does not solve the issue. Start the day with a glass of water binding to the breakfast. This immediately helps the digestive system to get rid of the accumulated waste materials. The water softens the stool and gives it a quick and painless removal of the intestines. If your stool - solid, it is the first sign of dehydration.

Replace coffee to water
Above you learned that two glasses of water will provide more energy than a cup of coffee. But nutritionists and doctors and insist on getting a morning coffee replaced with water. Water immediately causes all systems of the body work, including brain and muscle, while coffee makes it much more slowly.

Water eases heartburn
It is believed that the presence of heartburn affects eaten before the meal. But experts do not agree with this. In fact, severe heartburn is due to lack of water in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. And Heartburn - one of the signs of dehydration. The usual glass of water instead of pills - and the problem can be solved. And that may be the prevention of complications such as stomach ulcers. Serious motivation, right?

Water - it's life for cells
When not enough water in the body, it begins to draw water from the internal organs, of blood, for example. Heart at once would be more difficult to work because of the thick blood, and saving water, the body will not supply blood vitals. Lack of water - this is a very large burden on the work of all bodies, because the cells are constantly need water.

We were able to convince you that the first thing we need to drink plenty of clean water. Only then can not afford a cup of coffee or even a glass of beer.

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