Correct drink for hot summer

When the sun hangs in the sky glowing ball, and the thermometer bulb rolls - all life is sweltering and requires moisture. If our body is usually evaporates about 2 liters of fluid a day in hot weather, water loss goes up to 4 liters, and this is a very serious challenge to the body. The fact that we sweat in the heat, the process is natural and necessary, because that is what we are fighting against overheating. But, losing fluid, we are not only dehydrated, with her ​​losing the necessary salts, trace elements and to compensate for this loss is vital. So, you should drink more fluids.

That's just not any liquid suitable for quenching thirst! Immediately, we note that there is a so-called "soft drinks", which in the heat to drink in any time it should not be - it's fizzy water. It does not matter: it's a warm drink or straight from the fridge - it does not quench your thirst! But contained in sugary carbonated waters phosphoric acid spoils the teeth and washes away from the body calcium. I'm not talking about sweeteners, flavors, colorants, stabilizers, and other "chemistry" that are present in these beverages in larger or smaller amounts.

So what to drink in the hot summer?

• Perhaps the most right drink for a hot time of year, hot green tea. For good reason elders in Central Asia spend all your free time in tea houses, sipping a hot yellow-green drink in the hottest time of the day. Tea immediately quenches thirst, and thus stimulates perspiration, as is well known, the evaporation of sweat, if the temperature is above 33 degrees, it is the only way to give heat to the environment, preventing overheating of the body.
Also, in the case are useful macro-and microelements, there is included and potassium. Tea is doubly useful, especially if its a little salt the.

Drinking very hot green tea should be without sweets and very slow. Pour the tea into a bowl a little, just a few sips. Enjoy the process, it is important not the quantity of tea drinking, and the time after tea should have time to act! After a few cups thirst necessarily recede. Tea is not only quenches thirst, it is a very positive effect on health, stimulates the nervous system, increases mental capacity, normalizes digestion. The high content of vitamin P has a positive effect on the blood vessels, which is very important in hot weather.

To quench your thirst on a hot summer day, a good fit and iced tea, but I still prefer the classic (hot) version. Especially as experts say that hot green tea can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Lightly Carbonated Mineral Water by the ability to quench their thirst, because of the large amounts of salts and biologically active substances that can rightfully take second place in the regular drinks. Table mineral water can be drunk without limitation, with a small portion of this great some water to begin each new morning! It cleanses the stomach and intestines, promotes proper digestion, detoxifies. Mineral water should be drunk at room temperature or slightly chilled sparkling water quenches thirst better than the non-aerated, well, if you prefer non-carbonated, then add to it a little bit of lemon juice or infusion of mint, refreshing effect will be more pronounced.

• A good choice for the summer - to quench their thirst for juice. In fact, the juice is diluted natural fruit or berry juice. In the heat should be preferred acidic fruit drinks, fruit drinks are especially useful red currant, cranberry or cranberry, they are well thin the blood, quench thirst, make up for the loss of trace elements. Very useful kind of dried apricot juice. Cook it easy - just take a good quality dried apricots and fill it with boiling water. Boil it is not necessary when the infusion has cooled, place a container with a drink in the fridge and drink on an empty stomach in the morning and throughout the day. This marvelous to taste juice to quench your thirst in the heat will support your heart, the most positive impact on the blood vessels and blood pressure.

• natural kvass, a home, thanks to the available carbon dioxide in it, and amino acids - as a worthy "thirst-quencher." In addition, in the XIX century, it became clear that this drink has antibacterial properties - it 20 minutes later killed V. cholerae and typhoid bacillus. Agree, for a hot time when E. coli have such favorable conditions for breeding, this property kvass downright priceless! But all the above does not apply to bottled carbonated "kvass" sold in stores. Additives food colorings, sweeteners, citric acid, sorbic and benzoic acids convert it into an ordinary lemonade, only vaguely reminiscent of the taste of the original product.

Prepare home brew - not such a difficult task. First, you need a real rye bread. Cut into small slices and pat dry in the oven, to improve color drink a couple of slices can be burned in the fire. 0.5 kg of bread is 4-5 liters of water, 200 grams of sugar and about 40 g. fresh yeast. If you are caught for special kvass very well. Crackers should pour hot water (approximately 2 liters) and wait until they are melted and cooled. A must for kvass is almost ready. In wort, cooled down to the temperature of the human body, add the yeast, pre-diluted in this part of the wort, the remaining warm water, sugar and a handful of raisins. Brew brewed from 10 hours to a couple of days in a warm place. He was then decanted, bottled, and use as directed.

Kvass - a product of fermentation, and in theory it is possible to get drunk, but I do not know how much you need to drink kvass to feel the alcohol intoxication. In any case, do not drink more than a liter of the drink in the hot weather!

Dairy products - yogurt, fermented baked milk (not fat), yogurt (not sweet), sour, perfectly quench thirst and help restore the normal composition of intestinal microflora. Homemade yogurt can make a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink - Ira. To begin Put yogurt on the cheesecloth and allow to drain serum. The resulting mass tvorogopodobnaya, Central Asia, it is called Syuzma - a great product, from which you can prepare sauces, used in salads. But if Syuzma dilute mineral water, you get ayran. As Ayran usually add chopped basil or other herbs to taste, a pinch of salt, and its main advantage is that in the heat of the summer and he also quenches thirst, and hunger.

• What can be said about the beer? Unfortunately, despite its increasing popularity as it is thirst quenching agents, experts do not recommend to get involved in a beer on a hot day. Beer is an alcoholic beverage, and even a small amount of alcohol can affect your ability to make decisions and performance, and the load on the heart may be too high. Furthermore, the beer filtration stimulates kidney, resulting in the body loses fluid more rapidly. Heat and alcohol - a dangerous combination, so it is better to give preference to other drinks - kvass, fruit drinks, tea ....

• But if the solemnity of the moment can not refuse an alcoholic drink (it is not accepted in our toasts with kvass) - choose a dry white wine chilled. Dry white wine - a traditional summer wine. High-quality, elite, white wine to take to cool to 4 degrees, normal - up to 8 degrees. In hot weather, it is better to dilute the wine with mineral water in a ratio of 1:1, and add a few ice cubes. In some ways, even better wine diluted fruit drink or juice - it contains less sugar. We know that it helps you lose weight, improves digestion, and metabolism. Small amounts of dry wine lowers the pressure, unlike spirits and beer. A good source of antioxidants and trace elements and is a dry red wine, but it should be consumed only in small quantities and also diluted with water. Experts cardiologists believe that a certain proportion of water-dry wine is not only the normal variant of circulating blood volume replacement, it also has antiplatelet properties (thins the blood) is normal thirst quencher and contains substances that inhibit blood clotting.

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