Pain in the legs? 10 simple solutions!

Feet hurt not only the grandmothers. Fashion shoes, as well as a busy work schedule, remind about the pain in his legs and young girls. In the evenings we experience swelling, swollen veins, heavy legs, pain. Pessimism is typically added to the problems winter dry skin, and itching.

Swollen feet - the result of an accumulation of fluid in the legs. This arises in the excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, and contain a lot of salt. Cause swollen feet may also be due to some diseases of internal organs: heart, kidney or liver.

Get rid of the pain, swelling and dryness can. And it's available means, many of which can be found in every housewife in the kitchen. The plan is this: come home, take off tight shoes and stockings, feet and pay only 20-30 minutes. A way to take your pick:

1. Vinegar. This is one of the easiest means of pains in his legs. Fill foot bath with warm water, add a drop of dishwashing liquid and a cup of white vinegar. Put your feet in the tub. In half an hour you will get rid of the swelling, and the skin becomes less dry. After the bath should wash their feet. One can use this method. Soak a cloth or towel in warm water with vinegar, wrap this fabric feet, little hold (a few minutes, until the fabric has cooled), it greatly relieves swelling down.

2. Soda. Another effective and affordable - baking soda. The advantage of it before the vinegar - no smell. Fill the tub with warm water. For every liter of water, add half a cup of baking soda. Stir to dissolve and soak your feet for 20-30 minutes. Instead of plain water, you can use rice water.

3. Effect of socks. This recipe is known to many. It is especially important during the cold season. Before going to bed spread a layer of foot lotion, petroleum jelly or olive oil. Then wear cotton socks and go to bed. You have to wake up with a smooth and soft skin legs. This simple treatment is repeated once a week.

4. Oil. For swollen and tired legs, you can use essential oils or mixtures of oils. For example:

- A mixture of peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil and lemon oil. Reduces tumor.

- Lavender oil and sandalwood can be used for edema, as well as cracks on the feet.

- Peppermint Oil. The oil and relieves pain and heals the cracks, because it has antibacterial properties. Add peppermint oil to your lotion or cream for the feet , and such a composition would be curative. However, it should be remembered that peppermint oil can cause allergies, and it is contraindicated in pregnant and nursing women.

- Tea tree oil reduces swelling. You can make a warm bath with the addition of the oil and keep it in your feet for 20-25 minutes.

- Mustard oil also saves from swelling.

- Normal olive oil can be added in the tub with warm water, it is to receive medical treatment cracks, removes dryness.

5. Oatmeal. This will scrub and mask. Mix oatmeal with any oil (olive, jojoba) or greasy lotion (cream) and leave on my feet for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with composition. Then you will want to flutter and fly, so easy to feel yourself up.

6. Ice. Availability of means of swelling and heaviness in the legs. Lift your legs up, put them on ice. This will quickly "pump out" the excess fluid from the legs, reducing puffiness.

7. Cucumbers. Everybody knows that in the morning the area around the eye is put on the cucumber into slices to reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes. Cucumber absorbs liquid. Why not use this method for tired legs? You can make mashed cucumber or cucumber juice. This method will refresh the skin of the legs, get rid of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, feet cool. You can impose feet cucumber slices, and top dressing to do 30-45 minutes, the results will also be effective.

There are fresh cucumbers also useful for the legs, as well. In addition, please note that in the diet were foods containing vitamin E (such as spinach, sweet potatoes, red peppers, almonds, etc.). Drink plenty of water and avoid salt.

8. Massage. Buy Massage Oil and asked her husband to make you a foot massage. Do not need special skills, just a little bruise and pat your feet in circular motions. No pain, no swelling!

9. Medicinal teas. On foot health affects not only the impact they need help from the inside, watching the diet, as well as consuming herbal teas:

- Of the nettle. Take 1 tbsp dried nettle leaves and brew in 1 cup vody.Prinimat inside. Drinking during the day (3-4), reduces swelling in the legs.

- From the root of the dandelion. 3-4 times a day you should drink some of this tea, it reduces swelling and leg fatigue.

- From molasses. In a glass of water boil for half a teaspoon of molasses and 1 tbsp of anise. Consumption of such drink 2-3 times a day can reduce the swelling of the feet, in a short time.

- Of the parsley. In 2 cups of water boil for 6-8 leaf parsley, drink 3-4 times a day.

10. Epsom salt. Baths with warm water and Epsom salts are known, perhaps, every woman. This trifling ingredient way to get rid of fatigue, dryness, itching, and swelling of.

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