
Such as conjunctivitis attack can happen to any of us at any time of the year. But more often in the spring of allergic conjunctivitis. And in the summer often inflamed eyes, because we do not wear sunglasses and gets them to excess sunlight, and the wind pushes the dust.

And many have a habit of touching your face, particularly your eyes, hands. To do so in any case it is impossible not to bring in dirt and infection of the eye in the form of bacteria and fungi.

Conjunctiva - a very thin transparent tissue covering the eye from the outside. It protects the eyes from foreign bodies and microorganisms.

Conjunctivitis ill adults and children. The diagnosis of "conjunctivitis", of course, must determine the ophthalmologist after examining the patient. Most often, conjunctivitis occurs first in one eye, so you need to strictly abide by the rules of hygiene, so as not to get sick, and the other eye.

And we must take care not to infect the household. To do this, wash your hands regularly, use a personal towel, sleeping alone. Take sick to avoid infecting colleagues at work and the people that will be traveling with you in traffic. You can not go to the pool and engage in physical activity.

Conjunctivitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute conjunctivitis appears as though suddenly and proceeds rapidly, her eyes suddenly turn red, expanding, and sometimes even a small burst blood vessels become swollen eyelids, watery eyes.

Chronic conjunctivitis develops gradually over time, stale, and usually affects both eyes at the same time. It is found in 99% of cases in adults. The reason for its occurrence may be tobacco smoke, dust and chemicals in the workplace, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, long sitting in front of the computer without breaks, work in low light. The cause of chronic conjunctivitis may be a chronic disease of the nose.

In chronic conjunctivitis usually appear itching, burning sensation in the eye that got sand, speck, fear of light. In the morning at the inner corner of the eye mucus accumulates in the form of lumps. Experts say that the treatment of conjunctivitis should start immediately at the first reddened eyes. Ophthalmologists prescribe ointment, drops, tablets less often.

There are folk remedies treatment of conjunctivitis. Some of them are:

1. 2 bay leaves Pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour. Flush eyes with this infusion every hour to two hours. Before going to bed wet in the infusion of cotton balls and put on closed eyelids.

2. Many of conjunctivitis helps welding ordinary green tea. Prepare a weak brew, cool to a warm state, dip cotton balls in it and apply on your eyes for 30-40 minutes.

3. Over the counter in pharmacies chamomile tea bags, brew, infuse for 10 minutes, cool and impose bags on the eyes for half an hour. The remaining broth to rinse every two hours.

4. 1 tbsp. spoon flowers of cornflower pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, drain, cool and rinse with infusion eyes as often as possible during the day. At night, lay on the eyelids marlechku soaked in the infusion.

5. Boil 1 tbsp. a spoonful of red clover blossoms 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour.
Moisten with broth in a folded several times bintik and apply to sore eyes for 30-40 minutes.

6. It is known that calendula is a natural antibiotic, so the infusion of the flowers helps her in any conjunctivitis. 1 teaspoon of calendula flowers brew incomplete (up to rims) cup boiling water. Ostuzhennym decoction wash eyes every hour, then every two hours. At night, make lotions.

7. No less effectively acts yarrow, which contains tannins and extinguishes the emerging infection. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped herbs yarrow brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Flush eyes every 2 hours and make lotions.

8. Traditional healers say that getting rid of conjunctivitis and forget about it helps daily eating 1st. tablespoons fresh or dried blueberries.

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